Tomorrow's Recess:
Lay down on bench or exercise ball and do the following circuit. Use dumbbells:
5 Tricep extensions (headbangers): Starting position--raise both DBs above your chest like a press and simply bend elbows until DBs are on either side of your temples then back up.
10 DB flies without resting from the tricep extensions
15 chest presses (bench press) without resting from DB flies
Rest 1 minute
Repeat 5 times
Start with a weight that you know is manageable (but still challenging) and go up from there. When you find a challenging weight where you are barely making it through the circuit, stay there until your last set, then go up in weight and burn out. On the last set you will need to rest, but still make sure you complete all reps. Your weight will probably look something like this: A, B, B, B, C or 10, 15, 15, 15, 20lbs
O--\- O-/--O
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Greg-- 35, 25, 25, 25, 35
Colette-- 10, 15, 10, 10, 15
I don't follow directions very well:
15, 15, 15, 15, 15
But thanks Patrick, my man boobs sag at least 2 inches less than before that workout.
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