Sunday, January 30, 2011

Monday Funday

Tomorrow's Recess:

10 lunges (each leg) with barbell on back
8 back squats
4 Front squats
2 Muscle snatches--this is a snatch from the waist. If you're not familiar with the muscle snatch, substitute 2 strict shoulder presses.

AMRAP in 20 minutes.

I will be using 75 lbs.


vandalPT said...

Greg--7 + 5 lunges ea leg
60# bar(all I have...thankfully)

Cozy-- 8 using 35# bar for lunges& sqts
10 sit ups for ohs and 15# db for front squts and press x4reps.

We will both not enjoy living in a two-story home over the next few days!!!!

Patrick said...

I love it! Ditto on the not enjoying living on a 2nd story for the next few days.

5 rounds + 10 lunges each leg
75lb bar

Definitely going to see something like this in the future.

Nice job Greg and Cozy!


Jennifer said...

4 rounds + lunges and 1 BS
45# BB for all
hang snatches instead of muscle snatches