Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow day?

So, nobody prefers a tight butt...since that's the case, you'll really love tomorrow's Recess. Just be thankful I didn't make us run in the snow.

Tomorrow's Recess:

Mini-WOD #1
10 jumping lunges (each leg=20 total) w/barbell on back. Focus on height when you jump and switch legs.
20 burpees

1 minute rest

Mini-WOD #2
10 jumping lunges (each leg=20 total) w/barbell on back
20 hang cleans

1 minute rest

Mini-WOD #3
10 jumping lunges (each leg=20 total) w/barbell on back
20 shoulder presses

Post time for each Mini-WOD.


Patrick said...

Mini-WOD #1: 2:07
Mini-WOD #2: 2:14
Mini-WOD #3: 3:19
75 barbell

I really enjoyed the mini-WODS. Definitely going to see more of those.

Jennifer said...

Scaling: no BB for lunges, 45# BB for cleans and push presses

#1: 1:42
#2: 1:54
#3: 2:26