Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day of the Dead (Feels like it after yesterday's leg immobilizer)

Yesterday, we went to the National Funeral Museum. It's been something we have been planning for several years and finally decided to go for it. Why, you might ask, would you want to go to a funeral museum? I don't really have a good answer other than we are weird and like to have interesting experiences.

We were totally NOT disappointed, the $10/person was well worth it. One of the most interesting museums I've been to. It's kind of mind-boggling to see some of the things we do to mourn and funeralize (when this becomes a real word, I'll gladly take credit) for people who pass away.

Anyway, glad to be alive and healthy. Hopefully, I won't be funeralized for for a long time.

Tomorrow's Recess:


AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 pull-ups
8 push-ups
12 squats


Jennifer said...

14 rounds
Scaled: jumping pull-ups, 4" incline using pull-up bar for push-ups.

Last time I did Cindy, my water broke. I'm happy to say all my waters are still in place.

Patrick said...

19 rounds + 5 pull-ups

Interesting experiment. Regular Cindy next time will be better.

Elizabeth said...

12 rounds in 15 min. I could only stand the cold and my nose running for so long.

vandalPT said...

With all the kids home and energy to burn. The kids did 20 min AMRAP of 10s of jump jacks, sqts, sit-ups, and 5 burpees.
Ethan- 18
Brock-9 (that's what he says)
Cj doesn't care enough to count.
Riley spent most of time crying about who knows.

Colette - 15 rds jump pu, box push ups, and added 10 sit-ups for 13 rds.

Greg- 21 + 5 pull ups

Patrick said...

Nice work everyone! Vandal family, way to go!